Enrollment Help

Enrollment Help

Verify Admission Requirements

Admission Requirements

You must have obtained an appropriate credential applicable for your jurisdiction for your field of practice and have sufficient practice in a clinical setting with patients, or obtained advance degree(s) in your area of expertise. See more here:  Admission Requirements

Verify Your Credentials

  1. from the Navigation-block on the right, click "Courses > Verify Credentials".
  2. In the 'Degree and Certification Information' screen, click on the 'Add entry' tab.
  3. In the New entry form, fill in your credential information.

Upload a copy of all credentials that count towards your 2500+ hours of clinical practice or academic instructor status
(acceptable formats include jpg, png, pdf):

  1. in the 'New entry form' click on 'Choose a file'.
  2. in the 'Upload screen' click on ' Upload a file', click on 'Browse' to select a .jpg, .png, or .pdf copy of your degree or certificate from your hard drive.
  3. click on 'Upload this file'.

Saving and viewing your credential information:

  1. once a form is complete click 'Save and add another' to add additional credentials; or click 'Save and view' to double check your information.

Udate your Profile to indicate you have completed this step.

  1. click on the 'Edit Profile' link to open your user profile screen, scroll to the bottom of the form and place a checkmark to confirm you have entered your credentials, click 'Update profile' and close the pop-up window.
  2. this concludes verifying your credentials and you can proceed to Enroll into a course from the 'Courses' page.

    Note: Your course content will be hidden until you have completed this section to verify your 'admission requirements'. If this happens return and complete 'Verify Credentials".

Updating your credentials

  • You can return to the 'Verify Credentials' screen at any time to update (add, edit or delete) you credentials.

Questions, concerns, troubles.. you can always contact support@teachertrainingforhealthcare.com

Next you will need to enroll into a course - see 'Enroll into a course' for more information.